Hi, friend, are you in search of how to start a blog?
If yes, then your search comes to an ultimate end.
I bet you to get succeed in this blogging journey as i lay down a blueprint to start your first blog.
Have you ever thought, why people plan to start a blog even in 2020 and maybe you are thinking same to start a new blog.
From my point of view, you may have seen a blog that making a million-dollar income from an ordinary blog.
But the reality is, that blog is not an ordinary blog but would be an extraordinary blog.
This master guide will give you a complete idea of how to start a blog start from basic to advance steps. Which Include
If you are excited then here we have some most successful money making blogs.
They have nailed the blogging industry and making six-figure income every month.
John Lee Dumas running a blog Entrepreneurs On Fire for more than 5 years.
He interviews all the big Entrepreneurs on his podcast and shares the smart strategy to fire up your business.
He made more than $2,10,291 in December 2017.
Check Entrepreneurs On Fire Income Report
Pet Flynn running a blog Smart Passive Income for more than 8 years.
His blog is all about sharing the smart strategy on how to make passive income using various sources.
He made more than $1,67,553 in December 2017.
Check Smart Passive Income Income Report
Harsh Agarwal the founder of Shoutmeloud for more than 10 years.
His blog is all about sharing the information related to blogging and all-around money making tips.
He made more than $40,000 in February 2018.
Check ShoutMeLoud Income Report
Have you noticed one thing which is common in all of them? is the time or years they put into learning blogging and mastering the skills of SEO.
If you are excited then here I will get you through every single step to start a money making million dollars blog.
When i started my blogging, i have seen more than 700+ youtube videos and read more than 300+ differnt blogs.
But for you, this single blog will be the common window to get everything what a blogger needs.
Table of Contents
How to Start a Blog in 11 Steps : Step-by Step Guide
It is very crucial to clear fundamentals of blogging before deep diving or scaling your blog.
Hence, I decided to lay down a complete guide into a total of 11 fundamentals or steps, which cover every single topic that you must know as a beginner to expert your blogging skills.
If you have no time to read this guide make sure to bookmark this page for future read purposes but I strongly recommend to go through each step, if you want to learn blogging.
Remember more than 91% of published blogs never getting organic traffic.
But, I believe if you understood the concept then you will be out of 91% Blogger, who are not getting single traffic on this website.
Let first start with the basics on what is Blog?
Let me first clarify your doubt on differences in between blog and website.
Consider website as a static or dynamic webpages, where you will see few timely changes and it is mainly created to represent any business products or services.
But blog is created to provide detail information about particular topic and you will experience timely changes on blog either on daily,weekly or monthly basis.
Blog has a cronological order of the blog posts, where most recently published posts will be appeared on the top.
Besides,do remember blog can be a part of website, where website can provide the details of it's product or services by publishing blog post but a blog can not be a website.
And if you are willing to start a blog, then that process of learning or implementing techniques is known as blogging.
In general, Blogging is a way to build your blog and start sharing your learning and experiences about a particular subject.
Which means, you are making reader friendly content for the worldwide audience and in return you will have chance to get monetize your blog.
Are you excited to know how to monetize?
Yes, blog can make you million dollar income like others and will discuss the same in this blog.
3 Reasons why you should start a blog?
If you got an idea about the basics of blogging then let me get you a few reasons, why you should start a blog in 2020?
3 Reasons why you should not start a blog?
If you are admiring any of the blogging advantages, then here I am to explain to you how to start a blog, which can turn your initial investment of time, efforts and money into million-dollar income.
Bonus Tips : By having a blog, maybe you will win or lose but if not then you will definitely lose.
Let's move forward and jump into the send step on introducing Blogging platforms.
Few people love to start blogging without investing single penny and others dare to invest few bucks with confidence to get it back in a couple of months.
Tell me, what is your thought in the comment box about investing money in blogging.
If you ask me, what I did when I start blogging?
Then I did start with the free one but soon after I invested a few bucks and today I am making more than $1000 every month from blogging.
Wait, the proof is waiting ahead in this guide.
But why I asked you to chose between free and paid blogging is because of blogging platforms.
If you want to start a blog then you need a content management tool that we call CMS and in this list, there are two pupular platforms.
What is Blogger?
Blogger is a Google own content management platform which was started back in the year 2003.
If you are willing to start a blog with Blogger then what you need is just an email id and rest will be given free by Google.
But it has some advantages and more disadvantages, so let me drop all of them one by one.
Advantages of Blogger CMS
Disadvantages of Blogger CMS
If you have the vision to turn your blog into a million-dollar business then probably this free platform would not be the best choice to start your blog.
Then the second best choice would be WordPress,so what is WordPress and how to start a blog with WordPress will be the focus of this guide.
What is WordPress and Its Type?
WordPress is the most popular free content management tool, was started back in the year 2003.
As per the stats, more than 60% of bloggers are using WordPress to manage their blogs and it is well known as self-hosted blogging platform.
This means you are the owner of the blog and you can scale this as you want using the additional services available in the market.
WordPress is a free CMS owned by a non-profit organization WordPress foundation and they offer two most popular platform.
But we are focused around WordPress.org as WordPress.com is similar to a blogger with limited freedom under the free plan and you need to pay extra to use the pro features.
WordPress.org will be like your own house, where you can manage your blog by investing just a few bucks ideally $50/year.
If you are keen to learn the differences in between Blogger.com vs Blogger.org, then i recommend to exploring the detailed guide.
Let me highlight the long list of advantages and disadvnatages of WordPress.
Advantages of WordPress
Disadvantages of WordPress
Well, it seems WordPress also has disadvantages but the reality is everything is easy to manage with just $50/year investment or maybe max $100/year.
You can manage security, backup and performance using free plugins and you are good to go.
So no worries, the later guide will give you all list of plugins which will manage everything you want for free.
I love WordPress and almost every blogger willing to use the same, what about you?
If you make up your mind to start a blog with WordPress then this guide is to master you in the art of Blogging, now you have to choose which platform you would like to start?
Start with WordPress as it is ruling the market and the most favored choice.
Bonus Tips : According to W3Techs close to 62% of the CMS (Blogs) are using WordPress which is 35% of the total website or internet market shares.
Are you excited?
If yes then let me guide you first what is Niche and how to select Niche for your Blog?
But if you are in hurry then here is quick video on what is this 11 fundamental guide all about.
Consider Niche as a category or any industry and in other word's you can think this as a particular subject around which your site is targeted.
Selection of a Niche is prime criteria for any blog to success and we will discuss the basics of Niche and how you should select a niche.
Finding the right niche is a more sort of research and brainstorming process, as having a blog is not a difficult job but maintaining the continuity of a blog is a very critical job.
Hence, the Niche of the blog should be more of your interest or passion, which could be anything and if you do not have more knowledge about that topic then do more research on that particular subject.
Every day, more than 2 million blog posts publish and according to Ahref around 91% of them won't even get single traffic why?
Image Credit : Ahref
Because they lacking somewhat with the right niche and keyword selection.
Are you curious to know what types of niche websites exist and which one you should choose to create your blog? If yes then read more.
Types of Niches and their importance?
What I am going to teach here, you will experience the same in a different category of websites, so be focus and try to understand the concept as finding the right niche is the foundation of your blog.
Multi-Niche Blog
Probably you have seen many blogs which love to write about different categories or subjects, in this list you can take an example of mrvyasidea.
In this site, I write about the number of topics such as cryptocurrency, blogging, online business, and technical tips.
This means it is a collection of different categories and known as a multi-niche blog or multi-category blog.
This type of website will be the best choice if you have time or expertise to share posts on all but you are one-man army then drop the idea and check for the Micro Niche or Niche website.
Niche or Micro Niche Blog
When you choose a particular subject and start writing about that only then your blog will be known as Niche blog.
If I drill down the category of any blog then it will start with Niche--> Sub Niche--> Micro niche.
Consider you are passionate about health then what would be the sub-niches for health?
If you are planning to write about health including all the above topics then your blog will be known as Niche blog and the best example of that is health.com
Niche blog needs expertise in all the various topics of that category and of-course a team to write about all the sections.
That is why as an individual I won't recommend you to start a niche blog in 2020 and for you, the next best choice would be either Sub-Niche or Micro niche website.
Q : What is a Sub Niche or Micro Niche?
If you will ignore all other topics and start writing only about specific sub niche like Yoga then your blog will be known as Sub-Niche or Narrow niche targeted blog.
And if you further drill down and find inside topic ideas of Sub Niche, like if we talk about Yoga then the Micro niche blog will be that in which you write about Different Yoga poses to reduce back pain only.
Is this making sense?
Yes, idea is to narrow down your subject which is interesting for you to write and you have expertise on that subject, this will make you very successful in this blogging journey.
If curious about micro-niche blog, here is a master guide to start a micro-niche blog.
There are different types of niches, such as New websites and general blog etc, but our focus is to introduce major types especially a blog which an individual can start.
Let me guide you on how to find a niche for your blog and what strategy you should use for the same which, i use all the time.
Bonus Tip : 2020 is fully focused around to start a Micro Niche blog only because you can not master your skills on every subject but yes you can on one particular and Google care about E.A.T.
E=Experties A= Authoritative T=Trustworthy
How to find a Profitable Niche for Blog?
While choosing a niche, you have to decide between two things either short term goal or long term goal and I hope you will choose long term goals.
Hence here is the strategy I use and recommend you to go through the same steps for finding a profitable niche.
BrainStorm to find Ideas
It seems foolish for a second but trusts me it needed, just pulls a pen and paper and note down ten things which you love the most.
No matter what you are thinking, just hit it on the paper, notepad or whatever you are handy with.
But make sure, a blog is not all about watching movies, it is more about writing posts which need efforts to write and great passion or vision to achieve some goal.
This activity feeds some data in your sub-conscious mind to process later when you will go and see the ocean of categories as explained in the next step.
Are you enjoying? keep reading.
Grab the best category of your choice
If I will ask you to name few categories then you may be stopped after 10 and that is why you have to show your mind the ocean of categories, which you can get from two big platforms.
Ezine Articles : This will list all the categories
If you will select any category then you will have a list of all the sub-niches as we discussed earlier as an example I choose Health and Fitness and you have a list of more than 100+ categories.
Now your subconscious mind will grab the best out of all these categories and you are done with the selection of best niche for your blog which matches your interest.
If this is not enough then parallelly start exploring the product categories of Amazon, that is amazing.
But we need more research with the trend on that topic which ensures the long term goal and people interested in that particular topic.
The Ability of Potential Traffic
It is a crucial mistake everyone does that they chose what they like most but the problem will arise when there is no trend of Google search.
This means no one is interested in that particular topic or that topic is limited to very few audiences or it is a seasonal topic which people love to explore in particular season only.
If you will observe the trend in the niche is close to 100 which means it has massive search volume throughout the year and I recommend any niche which has an average trend score of more than 30.
Similarly, you can explore your sub topic and always focus on either increasing trend or average trend but ignore any seasonal trend as I searched for Winter Jacket.
If you will follow such seasonal trend you won't expect much traffic as every year close to winter it got massive search volume then the rest of the year you will not have anything.
I suppose you are clear with the basic foundation and the next thing which I feel very crucial is to identify the monetizing ability of that particular topic.
The easiest way is to visit Google and search for your targeted niche.
Let say I typed Yoga Classes, and check the first few results are Sponsered ads or not, if yes then you are on right track.
If you will follow arrow then there is a symbol of Ad which means these are sponsored posts and people are ready to pay for this keyword or topic.
Super, simple and easy tips to identify which niche is money-making and which is not and there are different other strategies like Google AdWord to find the profitable niches.
Finding the right niche is the beginning of a successful blog and repeats the strategy I explained above to get you the best niche that fits your interest, passion and of course monetizable.
If you are curious about how to monetize then we will discuss at the end.
The first two steps gave you almost everything which a blogger needs to start a successful blog. So let deep dive all other critical steps about which you are still not aware.
You can take a relaxing breath or bookmark this master guide for future purposes as it has a whole lot of my vast experience of blogging.
This time is to explore web hosting and its different types and its importance in blogging.
Bonus Tips : Never choose any niche related to health and Investment advice as Google core algorithm 2016, do not favor new blogs over already ranking blogs.
As we learned earlier, to run a blog on WordPress you have to buy hosting which will need to invest money, but do you know what is web hosting?
Your blog will have several files, content, database and many technical data which needs to store somewhere on the internet, so everyone can access your website post or pages.
This container of your website data is known as web hosting and because of web hosting WordPress sites are known as a self-hosted blog.
This means you are responsible for the security and performance of the website by having your hosting.
Google recent update of Jan 2018, they publically announced that website loading speed will be the key criterion in ranking pages or websites.
If your website loading speed is delayed by 1 second then you may lose 7% of probable traffic, yes it is true.
If you understood the importance of hosting then don't worry I will give you all the details regarding web hosting which will fit Google's need and of-course in your budget.
But at this moment just remember, you must be more focused around website loading speed.
Types of Web Hosting?
Webhosting has been classified into different types based on provided features and website traffic handling capacity but listed below are the major types you will see by every hosting provider company.
Shared Web Hosting
Shared hosting is the most recommended hosting for every beginner website, where the number of websites will be hosted on a common server and sharing common resources.
It is the best fit if your website has close to 60K-90K visitors per month and we will discuss more on the best-shared hosting plan at affordable cost later in this guide.
Dedicated and VPS Web Hosting
Dedicated hosting offers a dedicated server and resources for your website, which will be assigned to your website only and you can control that in the way you want.
Similarly, VPS stands for the virtual private server which will be the virtual copy of the dedicated server and will be used with the same objectives.
But both will be double the cost of the shared hosting plan and only recommended for those who are already running a blog that has more than 100k/month views.
WordPress Managed Web Hosting
WordPress managed hosting is introduced by all the hosting providers to help WordPress bloggers optimize their site in a perfect mood.
But the price will be higher as compared to shared hosting and you can achieve the same kind of performance by installing free plugins and I will introduce you the same in a later section of best plugins.
Cloud Web Hosting
Everyone is aware of cloud hosting where you can rent the resources as per your website traffic need and you will be charged accordingly with the use of resources.
You may think this could be better than a shared plan but the reality is its initial plan itself cost more than shared hosting.
Bonus Tip : My recommendation is to go with shared hosting, almost every beginner start with shared hosting which will cost you not more than $50/year, are you ready to buy the best hosting service?
How to buy Best Web Hosting?
Honestly, there are more than 50+ best hosting provider companies but only a few offer the best services at a competitive rate.
In this list, below three are my primary choice in order of their popularity and affordable prices.
But A2 Hosting is my topmost choice and even more than 6 of my blogs hosted on A2 hosting for the past 1 year, do you know why?
A2 Hosting is confident about their services including fastest loading speed with 99.9% uptime and Anytime moneyback guarantee will give you a reason to try it as long as you want.
Do you remember the point we discussed the loading speed of the website?
Previously when i migrated my site to A2 hosting it loading speed reduced from 5 seconds to close to 1.5 seconds.
Isn't it amazing
Believe me, A2 is unbelievable and their customer reviews are amazing.
What is your thought? I made my mind when I read the anytime moneyback guarantee and hopefully you too.
If so, then let me help you with A2 hosting plans and how to buy A2 web hosting?
A2 hosting shared plan offers three hosting offers.
The best part is you will get the fastest speed in all the three plans with SSD storage, which is 30 times faster as compared to other disk storage.
But their turbo plan is 20x faster than all hosting and here is a brief summary of all the three plans:
Bonus Tip : My recommendation is to go with SWIFT Plan, which offers unlimited hosting, Free SSL and SSD storage, as you start blogging you will always have more than 1 blog.
Let me go through step by step guide on how to buy A2 hosting account?
And you have a special offer of 51% OFF, so grab the deal as guided in further steps.
Step 1 : Activate the 51% Off Deal
Click to Activate Deal button for 51% off and it will navigate to A2 Hosting shared hosting plan page.
Step 2: Choose the web hosting plan
Click to Get SWIFT (or any other plan) and promo code to get 51% off will be auto-apply on your account, Hurray!!
Step 3: Assign a Domain name
While sign in, A2 hosting will ask you to assign a domain for hosting but no worries you can provide anything and can change this later, once you have successfully signed up.
Here, I have chosen an option I will use my existing account, and will provide domain name and click to use.
Step 4: Billing Cycle and Total Price
Remember that 51% off is for the first time login only which means during your first buy you can take as long duration as you want.
During renewal like another hosting you have to pay full charges without 51% Off and I suggest to go with at least 24 months plan.
Remember you will always have an opportunity of anytime moneyback guarantee with A2 hosting but read the terms and conditions.
Choose the tenure using the dropdown menu and corresponding prices will be displayed in order summary including 51% Off.
I advise to not take any additional service like performance plus, advance SSL or Cloudflare, you can untick all of them and then check the total price.
Step 5: Account and Personal details
Provide your customer or address details and this will be added as your communication detail in the hosting account.
But make sure the additional taxes will be added based on the country address you choose.
Step 6: Payment and Checkout option.
When you scroll down you will be at the bottom of the page to pay for the total amount and you will have an option to pay using.
Check the checkbox for terms and conditions and click to complete order.
Hurry !! finally, you are in the A2 hosting dashboard and you will receive an email with an invoice for hosting you bought and all the credentials.
Congratulations, you have finished with the purchase of the best web hosting which ensures the fastest speed and unlimited storage to host a number of blogs.
If willing to learn how my site speed increased by 50% using A2 Hosting then must visit detailed review guide on A2.
You know like web hosting, the domain name is also crucial for any website to rank.
Hence this time is to learn all about domain and what types of the domain you should purchase?
Bonus Tips : The website loading speed will depend on Web Hosting and Google rank pages based on page loading speed, so chose to host wisely and without a doubt, you can go with A2.
If i have to send you a gift, can you send me your home address?
Yes ofcourse you will, becuase you live somewhere and it has an exact location address.
In similar way, web hosting is your house of blog where all the contents will reside and domain name will be the address of that house.
Do you feel interesting to know more?
Yes in technical term domain name is an address of website, which will be live on internet and anyone can browse on internet and will directly land to your website.
This is how domain name looks like:
Domain URL : https://www.bloggingos.com or https://www.example.com
It has four important factors to discuss.
Do you know how many types of domain extensions available and which one you should buy?
Types of Domain Name?
Domain names will be differentiated based on the extension they use and this will give an idea to read or Google, what is your site all about.
Hence it has been categories into two types.
gTLD Domain Names
gTLD stands for Generic top-level domain, which is mostly used by every website holders and in this list you may have heard about.
Above are the few most popular examples as in this we have a lot many others like recently Google has launched .new and a few others already exist like .xyz,.tech, etc.
ccTLD Domain Names
ccTLD stands for country code top-level domain and such domain is mostly used by any website owner if the site is targeting specifically to any country or region audience.
If your blog or business is all around the country-specific audience then my advise is to use the ccTLD domain only, else better to go with the gTLD domain name.
Q : How .com Domain is Important for your site?
Ans : I know this question may pop up in your mind and selection of the domain extension is key criteria to success.
To answer your query I will justify using two pints.
Have you seen .com preconfigured in your mobile keyword? the answer is Yes.
If in Google SERP, two sites pop up with the same headline but one with .com and other with .xyz, which one you would like to click, the answer is .com, am I right?
Every keyboard is preconfigured with .com because nowadays .com resembles a website like Google as the internet and by default you type .com instead of any other domain extension, this is human psychology.
As per the latest study was done by MOZ, of course, Google does not differentiate between .com and .net but the user does and indirectly your search engine ranking impact.
Well, you have decided which domain to buy so the next point to learn is, how to buy a domain name?
How to Buy Domain Name?
When it comes to Domain name, you won't need to worry about performance and all like we were during web hosting.
Almost every registrar is offering same service close to similar prices but the only difference is while you plan to renew your domain name.
But my popular choice is NameCheap, as it offers the best services at affordable prices and I am currently hosting more than 6 domain names with NameCheap.
Namecheap is transparent to their renewal charges and even the first time purchase cost is lower than all other registrar charges.
NameCheap is timely running sales and offers to buy Domain Names if you are willing to buy then just click to activate the deal button and the current offers will be applicable on your domain name.
Sign up process will be simple and easy just chose domain name and provide mandatory detail to select the duration of the domain and hit check out option.
Finally, you have finished with the selection of a domain and hosting for your website and this time is to get an idea about keyword research.
The keyword is the key to success in blogging and if you got an idea of how to find a low difficulty high search volume profitable keyword, then you almost crossed half of the way to rank any blog post.
When you type any query in google search window then that search query will be known as a keyword.
In simple terms, the keyword is a query of any reader who types in Google to find particular details.
Let see below, I am searching for a query "Adsense approval trick" and google showing more than 2,69,000 results why?
Because those many pages have written content around that keyword.
Still, my site mrvyasidea.com is ranking at #1 in Google SERP, why because i did the right research of the keyword.
If you will learn the CTR which is known as Click through rate or in simple mean how many people clicking to your page in Google SERP,
Backlinko has analyzed over 5 million search queries and 0.9 million web pages and found the #1 ranking page is having 31.7% CTR as compared to 3% at the #10 ranking page
If you are on the second page in SERP then in SEO people call this as the best place to hide your great content.
Which is close to ranking but not able to get traffic and on the second page you may receive only 0.78% CTR.
Hence, finding the right keyword should be your prime criteria, without this, you can not rank in Google.
Now, are you excited about finding the best profitable keyword?
If yes, then first learn the types of keywords then I will give you a master strategy of keyword research.
What Are The Types Of Keywords?
Keywords have been categorized into four types and every type of keyword has different ranking criteria.
So keep focusing on how that keyword works and their importance.
Short Tail Or Single Word Keyword
These keywords are targeting the broader term or category of a particular subject, ideally, you will find such keywords either in 1 word or 2-word query format
If you search in google and type Yoga, then yoga can have numerous query to address such as:
This has an advantage of the number of topics to address in a single post but the disadvantage is they are a very competitive keyword.
Almost every post in SERP related to Yoga has included Yoga in their title, URL and the content body.
So my advice is to strictly avoid such keyword especially when you are a beginner.
LongTail Keyword
These days almost every query is searched in Google, there are plenty of opportunities that readers are searching for a particular query.
In general, longtail keywords are in between 3-5 words long and directly addressing the user particular query and that is why i also call them the laser-targeted keyword.
If we analyze the research data shared by Ahref on long tail keyword, then you can see the longtail keyword has less competition as compared to the short tail keyword, why?
Because they have low search volume and no one is thinking to target those but on the other side these keywords are the jewels for beginner to rank fast.
Bonus Tip : Do remember a new site that needs quick ranking to show its authority to Google and in this list, Longtail keyword will make your job easier, so grab it.
Longtail keyword has close to zero difficulty and if it ranks then 1000's of other keywords will also start ranking for the same and other blog posts of your website.
After all, you are also targeting the short tail or general keyword in the longtail keyword post, am I right?
Let focus on the next type of keyword.
Latent Semantic (LSI) Keyword
LSI Keyword is well known as semantic keyword or you can consider them as a secondary keyword.
Yes, if you ask me a query in two different ways such as:
Why don't you write your blog post very quick? or why don't you write your blog post very fast?
In both cases, fast and quick having the same meaning and that is what Google thinks about millions of other queries.
So LSI keywords, can not be your primary keyword but most recommended to use in your blog and now you might have thinking, how to find LSI keyword, right?
It seems like, I am guessing everything that you are about to ask, isn't it?
Finding LSI keywords is a very easy step so let go back to yoga example and type only Yoga Poses in Google search and scroll down to the SERP pages.
You have a closely related query to Yoga poses.
My friend those queries or keyword will be your LSI keywords and that is what we will learn in the coming section, how to include them in post when we discuss how to write a blog post?
The above listed three keywords are the major keyword types we need to focus on while finding the right keyword.
Now you may be asking, what other criteria to check while doing keyword research and how to do keyword research?
What Are Keyword Research Tools And Techniques?
Keyword research can be done using free and paid SEO tools, these tools help us to identify what is search volume of any keyword and how much that keyword is competitive to rank in SERP.
Every keyword is focussed around the below topics and you must be familiar with what is the importance of each one of them.
Before learning each one of them takes a reference of below screenshot taken from a paid keyword research tool Ahref.
It seems, now you are confident about what to check for any keyword and except CPC all other factors are very important to focus while doing keyword research.
Keyword research can be done through free and paid SEO tools, so let me brief you one by one quickly.
Keyword Research using Free SEO Tools
Ideally, free keyword research starts with Googe using Google search options.
So what you have to do is type your seed keyword in Google and it will auto-suggest numerous ideas and you can pick one.
I typed, What are SEO and Google automatically suggested a few keyword ideas and now your job is to note down all of them in a notepad for further research.
Let say, you want to write about what is SEO Writing, so our next step is to explore its ranking difficulty using an SEO tool and in this list, we can use a free SEO tool Ubersuggest
Ubersuggest is a most popular tool which works on google suggestions and trying to find out search volume and keyword difficulty based on already ranking pages.
As I searched for keyword, What is SEO Writing (Long tail keyword) in Ubersuggest and here we are with difficulty level close to 9 which is Easy.
This tool fetches most of its data from Google keyword planner, and from the search volume graph, you can see the search volume is close to similar throughout the year.
It is worth targeting keyword and you may rank faster. Easy and simple keyword research.
Have you enjoyed this learning, do not miss to comment on your opinion in the comment box.
Ubersugegst is only one tool, there is a definitive guide on keyword research using free SEO tools which has all list of other tools including few Paid SEO tools for free, so don't miss.
Keyword Research Using Paid SEO Tools
No one can deny how powerful these paid SEO tools are.
They are not only used to find the profitable and easy to rank keywords within a seconds but also used on other Off-Page SEO techniques.
In this list, the two most popular tools are Ahref and Semrush. Yes, they are expensive enough to buy but very powerful.
Here is summary on how to do keyword research using Ahref.
Step #1 : Go to keyword Explorer in Ahref.
Step #2 : Enter your seed keyword and choose the country for which you need to research and hit the search button.
Step #3 : You will have a full dashboard of keyword SEO difficulty, search volume and a few more suggestions for our keyword SEO.
This keyword looks competitive as it is having a difficulty of 93, so you need to narrow down your search.
Step #4 : o explore more keyword ideas click to have the same terms or the keyword ideas given under section keyword ideas by the search volume.
You have more than 3,00,000 ideas to explore with low to high difficulty.
Step #5 : You can see a different keyword with different difficulty, their search volume and much more and for beginner, I would recommend finding a keyword with close to 0-10 difficulty.
So click to KD and in the drop-down select Min=0, Max=10 and click to Apply then you have a collection of keywords with low difficulty.
Boom!! you got a keyword "what does SEO stand for" which has a search volume of 6.5k and difficulty of just 6 which is very easy to rank.
It has various filters and you can try and run with a couple of hacks to get your best profitable keyword.
Similar way, I searched for the same keyword directly in keyword explorer which we searched in Ubersuggest what is SEO writing and here we have search volume and difficulty.
Keyword analysis in paid SEO tools is always detailed and well researched as compared to the free SEO tool and you will find differences in between free and paid tools.
Similar way you can do keyword research using Ahref competitor Semrush and they also offer a 7-day free trial, so you can grab them and start the journey of keyword research.
Ahref will charge you $7 for a 7-day free trial however Semrush will have the option to explore for 7 days free trial and to learn more why can't you explore blogging Tools which I use.
Q :- Which one is accurate in between the Free vs Paid Keyword Research tool?
The definitive answer would be no tool is perfect to identify exact keyword difficulty level but it is worth believing the data shared by the paid SEO tools.
Paid SEO tool does the case studies on the existing ranking top 10 pages and analyzes or processes billions of keyword every hour to rate them in a 1-100 difficulty level.
So obvious winner would be paid SEO tools and my personal experience is Ahref and Semrush is quite effective as compared to Free SEO tools.
But specific to longtail keyword research you can use longtail pro.
There are numerous other techniques on keyword research and I do teach the same on my YouTube channel, so make sure to explore the videos on more learning.
Bonus Tip : Finding a keyword is not the only criteria, to rank a post, you need to find a search query which fit with your keyword, so focus on search intent for instant results.
You are very close to writing an SEO friendly blog post but the major thing to focus is to find out the right keyword query, but what does the right query mean?
Imagine you have a keyword like xyz Login, which has close to 10 difficulty and millions of search volume and you decided to write a blog post by targeting keyword xyz login, will this work?
No, it won't, why?
Because the intent of that keyword is reader wants to login xyz not to read any blog, so instead of xyz login you can focus on How to solve xyz login issue, this seems to target.
And this is called search intent of keyword and finding write topic or blog post ideas. So let me give you some ideas on how to get those blog post ideas.
In my list, I use to prefer the three most popular platforms to get initial ideas and later you can drill down them to match more on KD and search volume.
Find Post Ideas From Already Ranking Pages
Well you know the focus for the keyword, which you are planning to target is to get #1 in SERP, so why don't you focus on all the ranking pages.
So the easy step is to go in Google search and type your targeted keyword and go through all the ranking pages.
Analyze the title they have given for their web page and how the keyword is targeted in the title or H1 tag.
Well, I searched for keyword best SEO techniques and here you can see all the top 10 ranking pages are having list post where they explaining the number of ways to do SEO.
Boom!! now if you have to target the same keyword then start focusing on writing a list post not any ultimate or step by step guide.
Is that clear? if yes then keep reading other ideas.
Is that clear? if yes then keep reading other ideas.
Find Post Ideas From Quora
Quora is a Q&A site and it has billions of search volume every day, so why don't you search there and try to find out what people are asking related to that keyword.
Here I searched in Quora for query Best SEO tools
Quora gave ideas that are specific to best SEO tools, if you simply target a query Best SEO tools then it won't rank but you can target post like best SEO tools for the starter has likely more chances to rank.
Bonus Tip : In Quora always try to focus those queries or post ideas that have the most number of answers or the followers, which means more and more people are already searching for that query.
Find Post Ideas From Answerthepublic
Answerthepublic is the resource of all the queries searched on various platforms.
Go to their homepage and what they ask is just your seed keyword.
Then it will search all the databases of almost every platform and will create a collective list on different charts form or tabular form which are downloadable.
Here you can see the results we searched for query best SEO Tools
If you will scroll down, it has tons of other results. You can get more and more keyword ideas which later you can find difficulty in Ahref by entering 100's of keywords at a time.
You can use this tool to find the long tail keyword ideas which are narrow targeted and people are searching.
Bonus Tip :For more keyword ideas you can also search in Reddit, the most popular platform which has more than millions of queries posted every day,and you can join Reddit and sub-Reddit groups.
Theme plays a vital role in how a user will interact with the website and also important in website loading speed.
Similarly, there are 1000s of plugins in the WordPress library, which are a must to improve the website security, performance and automate the most of the process.
Both Themes and plugins are available in Free and paid plans but for beginner, it is good enough to start with free and can switch later into pro plans,
Best WordPress Free And Paid Themes
WordPress has a collection of themes and you can use their limited features in their Free plans.
But all the free themes have limitations with customization of the website, such as font color, types, and navigations menu, etc.
The theme must be lighter and should have faster-loading speed and in this list, there are several free and paid themes.
When I started my blogging, I used the very most popular Free theme, Hestia. This theme is mobile and desktop friendly and can be used for any type of blog or E-commerce website.
As I said earlier, it will always have limitations to customize the font colors, font types, content width, and menu customization but good enough to start.
But I do not recommend any Free theme to a beginner as ultimately you are going to change it somewhere in the next 1 or 2 months, because you should care about the user readability and engagement.
If a theme is not allowing to customize for certain features then you may lose much more traffic on your blog and maybe reverse impact on your site.
So the next option is to buy a lightweight best WordPress pro theme.
The best three premium themes which are fit to any type of blog and optimize enough for desktop or mobile websites then you can choose out of below listed four themes.
Q: Which theme i am using the most and why?
I am using GeneratePress on almost every blog the reason is, just for $50 bucks you can get access to all the features for a lifetime.
The best part is you will have a license key to use it on unlimited websites.
GeneratePress is a lightweight theme specially designed to focus on WordPress blogs.
They have more than 900+ reviews and almost 200K websites are actively using the Generapress theme.
What I have seen is out of 10 around 1 pro bloggers prefer to use GeneratePress instead of others.
If you are good with the theme then let discuss all the mandatory plugins which are collections of free plugins and good enough to start a blog.
Best WordPress Free And Plugins
The major advantage of WordPress over Blogger is the ability to install plugins, which make your job easier to customize or automate your site.
Hence below-listed plugins are the mandatory plugins, which every website should have, which are focussed on improving the performance, security, and SEO, etc.
Security Plugin : Jetpack And Akismet Anti Spam
Jetpack is a wordpress.com security feature and by default, it will be installed into your WordPress site.
To activate Jetpack features, simply create your free account in wordpress.com and link that with wordpress.org.
This plugin ensures high security and also monitor your site in case if it is down. However, Akismet Anti-spam is the most recommended plugin for every new blog.
Akismet plugin has a very huge database to monitor if there is any spam commenting on your site which usually all bots do on your blog.
Akismet Anti-spam blocks those bots and improves security and reduces Spamming on site.
On Page SEO Plugin : Yoast SEO And RankMath
While you write any blog post the primary thing is to write a post in such a way that it optimizes around the search engine need.
In this list, you can use Yoast SEO, which is the most popular plugin and almost every single blogger is using Yoast SEO Plugin.
Yoast SEO has few features like the generation of sitemap and ping to search engine and give you an on-page SEO score and suggestions.
Its free plan will allow you to optimize for only a single keyword.
However, Yoast SEO pro plan will allow you to optimize for more than 5 keywords and many more advantages.
RankMath is another popular plugin introduced recently which has everything that Yoast is offering in Free and Pro plans, so you can try the same but I suggest your priority should be Yoast.
Image Optimizer : ShotPixel Image Optimizer Or Smush
With the use of a large number of media on your website cause it loaded and your website page loading speed will get increases hence you can use the best image optimizer plugin.
I prefer two choices one is ShortPixel which will give you free 100 image credit every month and the most powerful image optimizer.
The second best choice is Smush which i used to use earlier but now I am shifted to ShortPixel which i also recommend you to use.
Caching or Performance plugin : W3 Total cache/WP Rocket
Website loading speed is very important and if you are purchasing shared hosting then it is must recommend using any caching plugin which creates caches in the user browsers.
This means for the definitive duration of time if the same user visiting your site again and again then this time data will be loaded form his cache and will be faster and no load on your server.
Other advantages are, you will use custom theme hence using this plugin you can minify CSS, HTML and javascript codes and the site will load faster.
Earlier I was using W3 Total cache which is a free plugin but now I am moved to WP Rocket premium, hence I recommend to use W3 Total cache first then later you can migrate to WP Rocket.
Fix 404 Error : Broken Link Checker And Redirection
If you focus on SEO then the primary thing is to check that your site should not have any broken link.
This means, if you have linked your post A with another post B with Anchor text but that B post is no more exist.
Then, if somebody clicks to site A anchor text there will be a 404 error.
Which increases bounce rate and bad impact on SEO, hence you have few plugins in place to identify and fix them asap.
Use Broken link checker which will auto-identify your site pages, anchor text and URL which are broken or their linked pages no more exist, in a common window.
So either, you can fix those anchor text by pointing them to new pages or fixing them by removing links.
However, Redirection plugin will help you in case you are changing your blog post URL.
Which means if the initial URL is www.example.com/abc/test.html and now changed to www.example.com/xyz/test.html.
Then if a user clicks to the first URL there will be a 404 error because you have already changed to new, using redirection plugin, you can route every user to a new link without any issue.
It is especially useful in changing the permalink format or shifting the blog from Blogger to WordPress.
WordPress Editor Plugin : TinyMCE Advanced
By default in WordPress editor, you will have a classic block editor, which is known as Gutenberg block editor but we are familiar with an editor that looks like your Google Doc.
Hence using the TinyMCE Advanced plugin you will get a classic editor with easy to use interface and options.
I am using this as a default plugin on my every WordPress editor as it improved my productivity and you can use the same as it is free.
Website Backup Plugin: UpDraft Plus
As I said, WordPress is a self-hosted platform where you need to care about website backup in case the site got hacked or server crashed.
If you have taken A2 hosting then they offer free website backup but still, I recommend to hold your backup with you and the best free plugin is UpDraftPlus.
Its free plan will allow you to take website database, plugin, files, theme, etc to your drive or local file repository and that is for free but you need to take backup manually which is a single click process.
In the premium plan, they will offer you an automatic scheduled backup, which I suggest not needed and only needed if you have no time to click a button which hardly takes your 2-3 seconds.
Auto Ads placement plugin : Ad Inserter
If you plan to monetize your blog with Google Adsense then you don't need to copy Adsense code on every page of your website which is a hectic job.
Using AdInserter plugin, you can place the code in the plugin and it will auto-apply on your complete blog website, easy and simple but it only works for Desktop sites, not for the AMP version.
If need detail on AMP version do comment or drop me a message, I will guide you on the same.
I hope you got the importance of each plugin and only these many plugins are required to start any blog which ensures everything that a blog needed.
Bonus Tip : GeneratePress is the most recommended theme and in plugins, as a beginner, you can start with free plugins but make sure Ad Inserter does not support the AMP version of your site.
Do you know what does SEO means?
SEO means search engine optimization, which means optimizing your content according to search engine need but your post should not only optimize for search engine but the reader as well.
Hence, first, I will give you an idea of how to optimize the post for search engine then will discuss what things you can do for readers engagement.
When we talk about On-page SEO, which means our focus would be to target the keyword in the blog post.
So search engine can understand, what your post is all about and which is your primary keyword.
How To Optimize Keyword For On-Page SEO
Here are a few tips, I suggest you should use while writing any blog post to optimize or target keyword in the blog post.
Let me explain by taking an example of keyword electroneum price prediction.
Include The keyword in Title or H1 Tag
By default in every theme, the H1 tag is the title of the blog post, and in most of the case studies, it has been proved that it is worth adding your keyword in the title of the post.
Ideally, it is recommended to add at the beginning but if not then it must include somewhere.
Make sure the Title length should not be more than 50-60 characters long.
Include The keyword in Permalink or URL
Permalink is the custom URL of the blog post, in the below screenshot you can see in Google SERP.
When I searched for keyword electroneum price prediction than just below title there is a URL which is known as the permalink.
It is recommended to make your URL shorter and must have a keyword included in the URL, which you can change from the slug of the WordPress Editor.
But do not forget to change the format of Custom URL structure by not including category, date or time in the URL, which you can customize from the Setting>>Permalink>>Use Custom URL structure like.
Crisp is, if your Permalink or URL is larger then recommended characters then it will be truncated by Google SERP and Google focus on fist 50-60 characters only.
Include keyword in The First Paragraph
Always include your target keyword in the first paragraph of the blog post in a natural way not like stuffing the keyword for the sake of include keyword.
If not possible in the first paragraph then must include in the first 100 words as here you can see how i included in the first paragraph.
Once you include in the first paragraph then the next step is to include the same keyword at max two times in the next paragraphs.
Include Keyword in H2, H3 Headlines
Always remember, a blog post has several H2 or H3 tags or in other words headlines.
So make sure to include the keyword in the first H2 Tag, which should be in the first 500 words of the blog post.
Then include the keyword in one of the H3 tags and one of your headlines must have LSI keyword.
Have a look in this post, how I included the keyword in the first subheading H2 which has LSI keyword of focus keyword or you can use directly focus keyword and this post is ranking in top 10.
Use Internal and External Link
Here interlink means linking your website post and pages and external link means to link with other website posts or pages.
Interlink will increase your page views,mean when the user reading your blog post, he may click to link provided in the post and will navigate to another page and keep reading the others.
Find below a screenshot of the same blog post,how i linked others through anchor text Bitcoin and Blockhain Technology.
Make this ideal practice to link the most powerful pages in every blog post as it passes link juice to the main page and that will start ranking.
Similarly, link your blog post with any external site blog post, which gives a signal to Google that your post is a detailed post linked to other valuable resources.
Include Keyword In Meta Description
Google won't rank any pages based on Meta description but it is very crucial for reader attention as if you include focus keyword in meta description then that is what the user can read in SERP.
Meta description length should not be more than 150-160 characters as more than that will be truncated by Google SERP.
Here you can see meta description contain target keyword and the user can get an idea in summary what this post all about and if you use SEO plugin then you can decide what you want to see in SERP.
Below every post editor, you will have a preview window on how it looks in SERP and you can click to Edit Snippet and can customize the way you want.
Include Media and Alt Text
Google looks for engaging content, where it is not packed with words only but it should have a better explanation using the media,hence include at least 2-3 images in 1500 words post.
Here you can see, how I included more than 30 images in this detailed guide which makes the reader job easier to understand what I am trying to explain.
While you include image make sure to include Alt Text for the image.
This Alt Textgives Google a hint, what your image all about, as Google can not understand your image it tries to understand using Alt Text only.
Keyword Density and LSI Keyword
Never try to manipulate the search engine by inserting keyword everywhere, as it looks unnatural and it is recommended that your keyword density must be between 1-1.5%.
This means, if your blog post length is 1000 words then make sure to use focus keyword-only 10-15 times but start including the LSI keyword and you know how to get LSI keyword from the SERP.
Sprinkle the LSI keyword everywhere in the blog post as Google considers both keywords the same.
All these are major areas to focus from the On-Page SEO perspective and to optimize your blog post and to verify all these parameters you can use SEO plugins, they will guide you on all these.
Just enter focus keyword and rest it will guide you what needs fixes and what not.
Here I am using RankMath SEO plugin, which has close to similar parameters like Basic, advance SEO checks.
If you scroll down further and make sure everything must be green at the end.
Bonus Tip :Yoast SEO plugin is very famous but I shifted to RankMath as it is new and has the same features as Yoast but offers few extra which are part of Yoast SEO premium plan.
How to Write Reader Engaging Blog Post
If you are good with On-Page SEO technical SEO techniques then the next part is to learn what should be your focus to grab the reader's attention and most engagement and here are my tips to work on.
Use different tactics to engage the user and if possible include media like Videos.
There are great strategies explained on best copywriting skills, so if possible read the master book by Joseph Sugarman, it is amazing will change your writing experience.
If you are done with writing your blog post then just hit the publish button and your post will be live on the internet and anyone can read this.
Must Read : 100+ SEO Glossary
Bonus Tip :If you are concern about post word length then a study says all the top-ranking pages average post length is around 1890 words, so your post must be more than 1500 words.
Publishing content is not good enough to rank in the search engine, you have to follow some strategy to promote or implement Off-Page SEO.
Off-Page SEO is the strategy, you have to use outside of the blog such as creating backlinks on other blogs and sharing on social media and many other strategies.
But our primary concern is to index our blog post first in a search engine like Google, Bing, etc.
How To Index Blog Post In Search Engine Quickly
When you publish your blog, our first job is to notify the search engine that we have recently published a post that needs to be indexed.
Here indexed, means Google has some crawler that visits your site and finds out keywords and give them positions in the search engine.
The first thing which needed is a sitemap, so if you have used any Yoast SEO plugin or RankMath then you can check sitemap by typing.
Use your domain name : https://www.domain.com/sitemap_index.xml
Here you can see this will keep tracking all your post pages and everything and if anything gets publish instantly notify search engine crawler and it will be recrawled.
Now submit this sitemap in two most popular search engines using their tools.
Sitemap submission is only required for Bing and Google, so now our job is to focus on blog post URL, not Sitemap.
If you are done with Sitemap submission then the next part is to submit Post URL (Permalink or blog post URL) in both search engines Google and Bing.
If not then will auto index through sitemap in some time.
If you are done with the submission on all the search engines then it is time to ping all the search engines that you have sent something to them and you can use a tool like Pingomatic.
If you are done with submission on all the search engines then it is time to ping all the search engine that you have sent something to them and you can use a tool like Pingomatic.
If you have done what I explained that means now the post is ready to index and withing 24 hours will be live on Google and search engine.
To verify your post is indexed or not go to Google and type Site: Your full post URL
Here I searched for my site:
Site: https://www.mrvyasidea.com/future-of-bitcoin.html
If it got indexed then it will be visible else not, if not then wait for some more time and re-verify else ping again, simple easy and clear process.
Start Creating Backlinks on Other Websites
Backlinks, means to create references for your site on another website, understand this in a way like your website is A and another website is B.
If A creates any anchor text on B which pointing back to A then it will be considered that A has received backlinks from B and this backlink will be of two types.
Do Follow backlinks: If a link created on other blog posts is Do follow then Google crawler will pass through that link and visit your site and improve your site authority and ranking.
No Follow backlinks: If you got no follow backlinks from another site then Google crawler won't pass through that link and you will not get any advantage but any manual user can click to that link and you may have traffic.
There are numerous ways to create backlinks such as explained below.
Guest Post on Other High Authority websites
It is always recommended, to publish a guest post on another blog and give a link back to your site, but make sure the guest blog must have high domain authority.
You can find guest post opportunities by searching in google with different patterns like.
Keyword+ "Write for us"
Keyword+ "Guest post"
Keyword+ "share with us"
You can drop an email to the blog owner and request to publish a post on a specific topic.
But it is hard for a new blogger to get a free guest post, so if you are not getting any opportunity then go for the second-best choice.
Broken Link and Link Replacement Opportunity
Find out a blog that has given backlinks to any blog related to your topic, but that linked blog no more exist.
Then there is an opportunity for you to notify blog owner that you found a broken link on their blog post and you have written the similar topic best content and if they want they can replace it with your URL.
You can use Email request like this.
Broken link building is a very effective technique to get backlinks and in most cases, it works fast as compared to other link building strategies.
The other approach is to find out a blog which has given a backlink to another blog in your niche.
Now write some great content compare to the content they have linked and drop him email to inform about your content.
You can use the below email template which I use all the time.
Sometimes, it is worth to contact the blog owner in a two-step process, where first notify them of the issue with the broken link and you have the best content to replace that with yours.
If he replies to that email then share your post link, this increases more chances of linking and improve the trust.
Now I will leave this with you how you want to approach.
Are you enjoying?
If you have not observed then there are a huge number of websites that are publishing the best roundup post on a weekly or daily basis.
They do collect best blog post and share the link of those posts or pages every week on their site, so you can connect with them by searching in Google like:
"Keyword"+weekly roundup
"Keyword"+monthly roundup
"Keyword"+daily roundup
Drop them an email and notify them that you have written great content that is worth including in their weekly or daily or monthly roundup posts.
Similarly, you can create a resource page, which is a collection of best posts such as best link building posts, best SEO posts or anything else.
After publishing all these resources links, you can connect with those site owners and notify them, you have included their post.
So the chances are very high that they may link your post on their site.
Promote Blog Post on Social media
Google employee has already stated that social signal won't impact directly to the search engine, that means indirectly it works.
So start sharing your post on Facebook, Twitter and many more social media platforms. You can join Facebook groups like our group Mr Vyas -Bloggingos.
In facebook group many people are sharing their strategies and you can share your quality post, if it is worth enough for our group members.
You can use some social plugins like a social snap-on blog post which allow readers to share a post on their facebook, WhatsApp,telegram, twitter, and many more platform.
Create Web 2.0 And Social Bookmarking Sites
No one can deny the importance of backlinks from the Web 2.0 sites, so go and start creating backlinks to your homepage.
This gives a signal to Google that your site is existing and it has some references on different platforms, here are few suggestions.
On other sites start creating backlinks on social bookmarking sites like Facebook, Twitter and may other social media sites.
Our objective is to create a network of references, so Google knows that you exist else you will lose the game of ranking.
Above listed are few smart ways to promote a blog or create backlinks and there are numerous other ways to explore and experience.
Congratulations !! Now you are master of blogging skills.
It is obvious that there are plenty of things to learn and explore but now your fundamentals are strong enough to grow your blog.
So let learn, the most awaiting topic how to make money from a blog or how to monetize blog post to make passive income.
Bonus Tip : Google cares about the quality backlinks not on quantity so avoid getting backlinks from the Spammy sites and always focus on high authority sites.
Every blog has the potential to monetize but niche blog monetizes more as compared to a multi-niche blog.
The reason is, you can do remarketing and having the ability to turn visitors into full-time readers.
The choice is yours, which type of blog you want to start but below listed few ways can turn your blog traffic into a money-making machine.
Make Money Using Adsense Or Ad Networks
Almost every blogger is familiar with Google Adsense, the biggest advertising network.
They offer money to the publisher for placing ads on their website and if any of your readers clicks or views those ads then as a website owner you will get money.
Google Adsense ads will pay in between $0.001 to $50 or even more for one-click on ads and this is known as cost per click or CPC.
This means you will get money not only for displaying ads which they call impression but also if any reader will click to those ads.
Here is a screenshot for one of my site Google AdSense earning proof which has only 200 visitors per day.
In summary, you will be paid with Ads impression and clicks but how to display ads on the website.
Once your blog is ready, you have to apply for Google Adsense.If your blog will get approved then you are eligible to display ads on your website.
But if you are not familiar with how to connect and verify WordPress blog with Adsense then here is detialed step by step guide.
Here are a few checks you need to make sure before applying Google Adsense.
Ideally, wait for 3 weeks to get it reviewed and approved and if not approved then fix all the issues and reapply after 30 days.
In case, you did not get approval then you can try the best Adsense alternatives, which offer less advertising money but closely similar to Google Adsense.
The real truth behind the ad network is, the higher the website traffic the more money you can make through ad clicks or impressions.
But what if your website is not having that much traffic to make more money then you can use affiliate marketing.
Make Money Using Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting other products on your website either publishing reviews or guiding readers to the importance of the product.
There are different affiliate networks like hosting provider companies, domain provider companies or any product providing e-commerce company.
You have to register your site with their affiliate program and they will issue an affiliate link, which you can use on your blog.
If any reader will click to that link then he or she will be routed to that product selling page and if the user buys that product you will get a commission for the same.
In general affiliate marketing will work best, if your site is a narrow targeted niche website where traffic will be low but will be targeted.
There are a few most popular networks.
Affiliate marketing will be best if your site is focussed around a specific niche or micro-niche but be selective with product promotion.
As it is not recommended to promote any hosting-related product on the insurance website.
Opportunities are endless and here are few other money-making ideas using a blog.
Make Money Using CPA Marketing
CPA stands for cost per action, which means if your reader will perform any action on your website you may have the chance to make money through that.
How CPA works?
Maxbounty is a very big platform, which offers a website owner close to $0.75 to $4 for capturing leads from your website.
Here leads mean capturing user Email id, name or contact number, so you can use a lead magnet which is ideally an email subscriber popup on your website.
If any reader will put his or her detail to that subscriber popup, in return you will get instant CPA commission based on detail user provided.
The more you will get if the reader provided full details like Name, E-mail including his mobile number.
With my experience, you can use Thrive Lead as Email subscriber popup, it has a higher conversion rate as compared to others.
Selling Ad Spaces and Backlinks
You won't believe but if your site starts growing and getting organic traffic then you may receive email from big enterprises to put their Ads on your website spaces.
You can sell ad sizes like 300*250 for $50 a month or like any size you want and people will be ready to pay for the same.
On the other side, you can sell backlinks where you will give a Do-Follow backlink to other site and in return, they will pay for you.
You may charge from $50 to $100 per link or can allow paid guest post opportunity for publishing their post on your website.
Make money by selling Online E-books and Courses
To sell a course or E-book, you need expertise on that particular subject.
Selling an E-book means you already have knowledge about that particular subject and willing to share with your readers, and the price for that E-book will be decided by you.
Similarly, courses are very popular so instead of uploading on Udemy, Skillshare or teachable platform you can prefer to upload or link with your site.
It will be your recurring income and you will keep making passive income over time.
In summary, if you have traffic on your blog, you can turn that traffic into the customer or money-making business.
Where you are bringing the right people to the right product using your website and make a win-win situation for both.
Bonus Tip : If you can build a Niche blog then you have the probability to sell that on Flippa for more than $5000 depends on site, content and its organic traffic.
If you have read all the steps, then you already knew almost everything that a beginner in blogging needed to start a blog.
This fundamental guide on how to start a blog has polished your skills from the fundamentals of Niche selection to keyword research and writing blog posts to the promotion and ended by monetizing opportunities.
Do remember, learning is never-ending process and SEO is changing it was started by a simple search and now moved to Voice searches like Alexa, Google Home, and many more other ways.
Keep reading our blog post and join our E-mail list and social groups to learn more about Blogging and explore more on trending.
Now tell me in the comment box what do you think about the guide and which type of blog you are planning to start?
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